Born on the last day of summer, Maria Markitani’s professional and personal motto revolves around such notions as Less but Better, Pay Attention, Do the Best You Can, and Never Lose Sight of the World, no matter what.
Her first degree was in Marketing & Advertising at University of the Arts in London, followed by a Diplome de Cuisine from Le Cordon Bleu in London.
Parallel to her studying, MM was fortunate to get a hands-on-experience in Michelin Star kitchens such as Marcus at the Berkley and Maze Gordon Ramsay Group; this granted her the ticket to a full-time job at Maze Gordon Ramsay and later, at Social Wine & Tapas owned and led by the Michelin Star Chef Jason Atherton.
She is currently based in Cyprus, working as a freelance cook, doing private and pop up dinners as well as various local and foreign collaborations with restaurants and creative spaces.
A sustainability devotee, MM assumes a conscious approach to food; an aspirant for a culinary coherence where what’s on a plate mirrors the core of who we truly are and the way we communicate that. A believer that food is our common ground, a universal experience and that to embrace the glorious mess that we are, we need to embrace the gloriousness of food and eating.